What Does a Fashion Designer Do?

A designer is a person who designs things. A designer can be a person (a group of people) or an institution (a set of people or institutions). Designing is one of the most important processes of human thought and art, and involves the systematic arrangement of objects in a way that they satisfy human needs and desires. A designer might be the person who does the designing, or he might be an employee who works on the designing team of a company, or he might be a designer who has made a discovery during his own research.


A fashion designer is a person who produces or designs clothes, underwear, etc. The word ‘fashion’ is derived from the French word ‘femme’. A fashion designer is therefore someone who makes clothes or wears clothes meant for men, women, or children. A fashion designer is not a clothing manufacturer but he can be a buyer of clothes, or a manufacturer of items meant for sale in a shop or public place.

A graphic designer is a person whose job is to sketch out designs or images for things such as books, magazines, cards, posters, etc., or to produce screen-scraping programs for generating such designs or images. A graphic designer plays an important role in telling the public what these designs or images will look like. A graphic designer can be a person (a group of people) or an institution (a set of people or institutions). A graphic designer combines his/her skills with other skills such as art, mathematics, computer science, etc.

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