Elderly Individuals Deserve Better Health Care


Elderly Individuals Deserve Better Health Care

Health, in the eyes of the World Health Organization, is defined as “a state of full physical, mental and emotional well-being and not just the absence of illness and infirmity.” A number of definitions have also been applied to health. The dictionary definition of health is, “expectancy for health, a state of good health with limitation.” Another common definition is, “a condition or disease of the body which may result in pain, suffering, discomforts, incapacitation or reduced function of the body.”

Older adults are more likely than younger adults to experience a wide variety of health problems, including chronic illnesses and disability. Because they live longer than younger people and are living with greater pain and disability, older adults face unique challenges to achieving good health. Managing these obstacles to well-being requires comprehensive elder care, a multi-dimensional preventative health program, and timely access to quality medical care. These issues become even more pressing when a patient’s primary health care provider cannot be reached or if other services necessary for optimum well-being are unavailable.

Utilizing the resources available through Medicare, Medicaid, the Veterans Administration, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and other federal programs can make it easier to get quality health care for seniors. In fact, many medical facilities and providers understand the needs of seniors and have developed programs to address their needs. By working with Medicare, individuals can obtain medications, appointments, diagnostic tests, health counseling, financial assistance, and other services that can improve health. It is essential to speak with an experienced Medicare representative regarding all options available to improve health.

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