Travel in the World

Travel is the transport of individuals between different distant geographical locations, frequently with change of direction. Travel can take the form of traveling by car, bicycle, foot, bus, plane, steamship, horseback, cable car, steamboat or any other manner, with or without cargo, and may be either one way or circular journey. It is a method of transportation by land, sea or air, and has been in use since the earliest times. The earliest form of travel was probably the trackless caravan, probably as early as the second millennium BC. Over the years travel has become an intricate part of human life, facilitating communication and travel throughout the world and across time zones.


In order to have travel in the modern sense, travel must occur by human beings proceeding individually or collectively, such as between a group of people in a train or airplane, or by rail, sea or air, among a group of individuals or in a vehicle. Traveling in its broad sense covers all journeys where people move individually or in groups. It also covers any journey where people move in a collective mass, for example, the journeys made by trains, airplanes, buses or other public transports. It does not include any movement between the same point at two different times.

Traveling in the cultural context, travel enables people to expand their horizons and learn new things. Travel enables individuals to build and strengthen their interpersonal relationships, as well as increasing knowledge of the places they visit. Travel enhances the enjoyment of travel, increases knowledge, increases understanding and leads to more meaningful connections. Travel is a process by which people bring together their experience of the past, present, and future into a shared memory, and makes this memory available to others. Travel is an essential part of human existence and a way of expanding one’s horizons. It is an act of creation.

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