Understanding The Concept Of Coordinated Marketing

When it comes to marketing strategies, there is no denying that television advertising has the most impact on brand name recognition. While other forms of mass media marketing may produce results in terms of increased sales or traffic to a website, television still reigns supreme when it comes to reaching out to consumers. The advertising medium has now become so ingrained in the American culture that many people simply tune out when commercials for products come on. Yet without advertising, companies would quickly lose customer interest, something that unfortunately does happen from time to time.


Today, the concept of coordinated marketing is making its way into marketing plans as companies attempt to give their marketing dollars the best return. Coordinated marketing is the act of purposefully stimulating demand for products and services; providing a customer with an experience or a gift that enhances or changes their current experience; offering a variety of services or products to a consumer at a single location; or engaging and enticing customers to frequent a single location over a period of time. Any or all of these aspects can provide an excellent Return on Marketing Investment (ROI), but only if they are properly implemented.

With consumers becoming more desensitized to advertisements, marketers must work to make their marketing efforts interesting and appealing to prospective customers. By creating compelling commercials, hosting creative shows, or holding “art fairs,” marketers can engage potential customers in a conversation about their products and services. Companies marketing in areas that are not served by traditional marketing techniques are sure to encounter resistance from customers who have never experienced them before. Coordinated marketing gives marketers a tool to reach into the homes of their targeted consumers on a much more personal level. While some companies view this as an intrusion on their right to freely advertise, other marketers view it as a means of making their products and/or services known and appreciated in a way that would have been impossible with conventional marketing strategies.

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